you are my celebrity

31 Things Before 31


Spend more time with this chick!

Y’ALL. I turn 30fun in less than a month.

30 has been good to me. Tumultuous, adventurous, full of love and laughter. Here are 31 more things to accomplish before I turn 31:

1. Idaho (at least book the trip)

2. [redacted]

3. Closure [redacted]

4. Stain coffee table

5. Sand dumpster-diving entry table + buy knobs

6. Pare down closet even further

7. Vacuum every 3-4 days

8. Host more casual dinner or happy hour parties

9. Figure out what my next business venture is

10. Respond to emails immediately or delete them, don’t let them linger

11. Be direct, and honest, at all times

12. Live the questions

13. Learn to hold a freestanding handstand

14. Backsquat 300#

15. Bench press bodyweight

16. Play VB with a pro

17. Attempt to re-train sense of smell

18. Finally get that laser hair removal touch-up I’ve been needing (sorry, #realtalk)

19. Give more STUFF away

20. Drink less (stop drinking?)

21. Cook dinner for the neighbors

22. Wipe down counters immediately after use (channel the OCD neighbors)

23. Call friends afar more often to catch up

24. Set up a budget … a real one

25. Camp

26. Drop 1.8% in body fat (part of my gym The 12’s #31DayChallenge)

27. Beach bonfire

28. Find a hot date for OC Look

29. Find my next charitable project (OC BvB, anyone?)

30. Pitch a story NOT to Orange Coast

31! Seize the moment, every time there’s a moment!

For last year’s 30 Before 30 list, click here.

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